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Animal Entry  Requirements 

Record Program Entry Requirements and Procedure (V3-011225.)

Whenever an extraordinary animal has/is harvested with a Crossbow, we encouragethe hunter to submit the animal for listing in the Bolt & Quarrel Clubs Records Program.



To be eligible for entry into the Bolt & Quarrel Club’s Records Program, the animal must have been harvested:

•         Using a Crossbow and Bolt as defined by the Bolt & Quarrel Club.

•         Legally and compliant with the state/provincial hunting laws/regulations where animals are harvested.

•         In compliance with B&Q Club Rules of Fair Chase.

•         The official measurement score must meet or exceed the minimum score requirement for that species of animal.

•         All antlered big game species in which the inside spread measurement is included in the final score, the skull plate cannot be split or altered in any way, either by intentional or unintentional means and must be intact.

•         No repairs or alterations to the antlers or horns, is acceptable.



•         Once an animal has been harvested, tagged, registered, or reported, the antlers/horns/skull must complete a mandatory 60 day drying period. Before the drying period begins, completely clean the skull plate of antlered and horned animals. In the case of bear or cougar skull, the drying period doesn’t begin until the skull is completely cleaned of all flesh and membrane. During the mandatory drying period, the antlers/horns/skull must remain at room temperature and normal atmospheric humidity, in an unaltered state.

•         Once the drying period has elapsed, the hunter gets in contact with one of the Club’s official volunteer measurers and has the antlers/horns/skull scored. A complete list of all official measures is available online.

•         If the score meets or exceeds the entry requirements for that species, the bow hunter with the assistance of the measurer completes and submits the necessary paperwork for submission to the records program. All forms can be obtained from the on-line forms center.

Mail your complete packet too.  Bolt & Quarrel Club (Attn: records dept). 2054 2nd St. #67211, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44222 or electronically submitted to:



  1. For entry submission, the Bolt & Quarrel score sheet signed and dated by the Official Measurer (or a transcribed B&Q score sheet attached to a Signed and Dated official scoresheet of any organization that uses an identical scoring method), must be sent to the Club’s office, along with:

  2. $40 (US funds) non-refundable Entry fee. $50 (US funds) for foreign Submissions. All payments MUST be in the form of cash, online payment, check, or money order.

  3. Original Entry Affidavit completed and signed by the official measurer or notarized.

  4. Clear photographs of the trophy skull from the front, right side, and left side of horns or rack, and photographs of front, top, right side, and left side of skull.

  5. Completed Hunter Guide and Hunt Information (HG-HIS) form.

  6. Completed and signed Media Release form

  7. Copy of harvesters hunting license, and the big-game tags used to take the trophy, or a completed Affidavit of legal Harvest (ALH) form completed by an appropriate Game and Fish Department representative must be completed verifying license and or tags were obtained.

  8. In addition to the items mentioned above, a trophy harvested near a category separation boundary (i.e., mule deer/black tail deer; grizzly bear/Alaska brown bear; etc.) the exact location of kill, marked on a map, is required.



Once a trophy has been officially measured there are a series of steps that need to be completed to insure the efficient and accurate processing of the record submission

  1. Check and ensure all required submission forms are fully completed, signed (by the correct person), dated and original documents where required. Photocopies of score charts, as well as incomplete score charts, and out of date forms are unacceptable. When a submission is not on the correct and fully completed forms, processing stops at that step until a corrected or finished form is received.

  2. Ensure all required photos are there and clear.

  3. Ensure your $40 or $50 (US funds) processing fee is paid online, enclosed or include your check or money order made payable to Bolt & Quarrel Club. For online payment a copy of your website receipt is required.



  • $40.00 (US funds) non-refundable processing fee for U.S. Submissions.

  • $50.00 (US funds) non-refundable processing fee for Foreign Submissions.

  • Check or Money Order.

  • Online payment receipt.

  • If the entry fee is not included with the submission packet, or if the incorrect amount is sent, the submission owner is notified, and processing is stopped until the correct amount is received.

  • ​


Original Entry Affidavit properly signed and witnessed required, or the hunter’s signature on the Entry Affidavit needs to be notarized or witnessed by the Official Measurer. Once a trophy has been measured and meets the minimum score, the Official Measurer should have the trophy owner read the Entry Affidavit. Once the hunter is satisfied that he/she understands and meets all requirements of the Entry Affidavit, he/she should sign it in the presence of the Official Measurer who should then witness the hunter’s signature by signing and dating it in the spaces provided on the score chart. The Official Measurer must be present and see the hunter sign the Entry Affidavit before the measurer signs it, or the Entry Affidavit is unacceptable. The notary public is required when submission owners have no direct contact with an Official Measurer. Measurers frequently do not meet the owners when they are scoring trophies for big buck contests, or when a friend, taxidermist, or other individual delivers an animal to a measurer for the hunter. Canadian owners only, can also have their signature witnessed by an employee of a fish and game department, in lieu of the notary’s or Official Measurer’s signature.



All bear and cat entries must be accompanied with clearly focused, close-up photos (black and white or color) of the front, left side, right side, and top of the clean, dry skull. All submissions with antlers, horns, or tusks must be accompanied with clearly focused, close-up photos of the front, and left side and right side of the animal. Slides are not acceptable. 

Field photographs submissions are highly desired but not required for Record Program acceptance. We accept all submissions and published photos showing the hunter with the animal in the landscape where the hunt took place (excluding vehicles or structures). 

A Completed and signed Media Release form is required.

Digital photographs, are acceptable in place of regular print photographs but must meet the following Criteria:

  • Printer - digital photographs must be printed at 1,200 DPI or better. 

  • Paper - digital photographs must be printed on glossy, photo-grade paper. 

  • Photo size - 3"x4" or 4"x6" singly or three or four photographs per page on 8"x10" or 8.5"x11" are acceptable.



Each entry that was taken by a hunter must also include a completed Hunter, Guide and Hunt form (HG&H), even if the services of a guide were not employed on the hunt. The hunter simply needs to complete the parts of the HG&H form that apply to his trophy. The HG&H form and all other required forms are available from the Official Measurer (or from the online documents center).



A copy of the appropriate hunting license (and tags, if applicable) must accompany each entry that was taken by a hunter. If a copy of the license and tags (if applicable) are no longer available, an ALH form completed by an appropriate Game and Fish Department representative who will certify that a license (and any required tags) were obtained and possessed by the hunter at the time the trophy was taken. If the Game and Fish Department do not have records at its disposal verifying the purchase of a license, section C of the ALH form must be completed.

Incidentally, up to four people can be listed in the records book as the hunter for a single trophy. However, to list more than one person, each hunter must submit a signed and witnessed fair chase statement, as well as a copy of his or her hunting license/tag, for the trophy being entered. There are no special requirements to list more than one owner.

•         Once the Club accepts the Records Program submission entry into the Record Book and it is processed, the animals score becomes “official” and is then listed in the next published record book online for all time.

•         Once the entry is processed, the crossbow hunter will receive a certificate, and an invitation to the annual awards weekend, where he will be recognized for his trophy's induction.

* Animals can be measured and submitted for entry into the Records Program after the 60-day drying period. The date and year harvested Must be within the states current year of legalization where harvested used in the regulations.



The following materials are to be submitted to the Club’s headquarters for each animal being entered into the Records Program:

•         Original scoring form completed by the official measurer. Or a transcribed B&Q score sheet attached with the original score sheet of any measuring organization using the iidentical scoring system as B&Q).

•         Entry Affidavit completed and signed by the bow hunter and signed by a witness.

•         Three (3) photographs of the antlers, horns or skull (a view from the front, a view from the left and a view from the right).

       •   A field photo (of the animal and the hunter), if available.

  • $40 or $50 (Online, Check or Money Order) recording fee, payable to the Bolt & Quarrel Club or copy of the receipt or online payment at club's website

Mail your completed packet to Bolt & Quarrel Club, Attn. Records Program

 2054 2nd St. #67211, Cuyahoga Fall, Ohio, 44222

Or submit electronically:


Recognition Awards for Record Book Animals: (WHEN FISICALLY ABLE TO BEGIN THEM).

Once an animal has been entered into the Bolt & Quarrel Club Records Program, we will honor your entry with the official Bolt & Quarrel Club Crossbow World Book entry certificate.

The Current Top Entry in each category will receive free admission for themselves plus 1 at the next awards banquet (When started).

All entries can purchase a plaque commemorating your achievement.

 All #1 entries will be honored at the following semi-annual banquet. All top 10 entries will receive an invitation to the banquet. (When we start having them).


Copyright © 2020 BOLT & QUARREL CLUB. All rights reserved.


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